貓貓明明反肚瞓下 但點解一摸肚肚佢又嬲嬲?

A cat's belly is very delicate and may come into contact with internal organs, so the cat may not like the sudden touching of the belly. That's right, most cats are very sensitive to having their bellies touched and don't like having this area touched.貓的腹部非常嬌嫩,可能會接觸到內臟,所以貓可能不喜歡突然觸摸腹部。 是的,大多數貓對觸摸腹部非常敏感,並且不喜歡觸摸該區域。
In summary, when the cat shows its belly to you, you can slowly stroke it from the head to the belly, but keep the touch gentle and gentle. However, not every cat likes to have their belly touched, and some cats may indicate that the touch should stop. It's important to respect your cat's preferences and personality and build mutual trust and respect with them.總結來說,當貓咪展示肚皮給你看時,你可以慢慢地由頭部撫摸到肚子,但要保持輕柔且溫和的觸摸。然而,不是每隻貓咪都喜歡被觸摸肚皮,有些貓咪可能會示意停止觸摸。尊重貓咪的喜好和個性,並與牠們建立互相的信任和尊重是很重要的。