What should you pay attention to when hiring a pet nanny?

1. Find someone you trust to come to your home at a specific time to feed and take care of the cat.
If you need to take care of the cat yourself during a certain period of time, having a trusted person come to your home to care for the cat is a good option. Cats generally feel more comfortable and secure in their own territory, so this arrangement can reduce stress and discomfort.
2. Ask the nanny for an interview first
When you find a potential nanny, it is recommended to conduct an interview first. This familiarizes the cat with the sitter's sounds, smells, and appearance, and ensures that the cat feels comfortable and secure with the sitter. If cats think the nanny is a stranger, they may become resistant to the nanny, leading to some maladaptive behaviors such as refusing to use the litter box.
During the interview, you can let the nanny interact with the cat and observe the cat's reaction to the nanny. If the cat feels at ease with the nanny, you can let the nanny clean the litter box and other care tasks. At the same time, the nanny can also provide relevant information about the cat, such as preferences, habits and special needs, to ensure that the nanny can provide appropriate care.
Please note that every cat's personality and adaptability are different, and some cats may take longer to adjust to a new caregiver. Therefore, it's important to experiment and make incremental adjustments before finding the right nanny. Communicate regularly with the nanny to find out how the cat is doing while in the nanny's care and address any questions or concerns promptly.