A must for beginners! Teach your dog to obey commands!

1. You must start by "sit down"
Teaching your dog to "sit" is a basic training command that helps your dog learn to calm down and focus on the next command. This is because "sit" requires the dog to stop moving and maintain a stable position, which helps reduce the dog's arousal state and provides better control.

2. Don’t skimp on any chance of reward
Rewards are very important in dog training. They can serve as positive reinforcement and make dogs more motivated to learn and follow instructions. Rewards can be verbal praise, petting, or small treats such as food or toys. These rewards make the dog feel valued and motivated, and establish a positive learning association.
However, it is important to use rewards appropriately to avoid becoming overly reliant on them or becoming overly generous. This may result in the dog obeying commands only when a reward is provided and disobeying when there is no reward. Therefore, gradually reducing reliance on rewards and giving your dog more praise and affirmation when he or she follows instructions can help establish long-term compliance and good behavior patterns.
All in all, "sit" is a good starting point to help your dog calm down and focus on training. At the same time, using appropriate rewards and affirmations can enhance your dog's learning motivation and compliance, but be careful to use rewards in moderation to build long-term compliance rather than relying on rewards.